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Who can benefit?

Equine assisted therapy is a form of intensive therapy suitable for patients with deficits of a psychological nature and those who have difficulties in communicating or with their locomotor (musculoskeletal) system.

It can be used to supplement other forms of therapy and it can be integrated into a long-term therapy programme. For the patient, the horse represents a focus of motivation to reactivate what has already been learned and to develop new skills. Traditional forms of therapy such as physiotherapy and speech therapy sooner or later reach a point where no further improvement seems possible, and riding therapy can help the patient to go beyond this barrier. To put it rather provocatively: Equine assisted therapy picks up the thread where other methods reach their limits.

Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that riding therapy is not a miracle cure. It cannot magically ‘heal’ any or all conditions. But it can certainly help both children and adults with all sorts of different ailments. Symptoms can become less severe and at the same time new skills and abilities can develop. In most cases the patient experiences a definite improvement in his or her overall condition and quality of life. And often enough horseback riding therapy provides a patient with the key to an affirmative, positive perspective on life.  

What can be treated?

Areas of application for equine assisted therapy:

  • disabilities such as autism, Down syndrome, spastic paralysis motor difficulties brought about by illness or accidents, e.g.: polio, Sudeck's syndrome, paralysis etc.
  • attention deficiency (ADS), hyperactivity, ADHD
  • posttraumatic syndromes, e.g. psychological disorders following traumatic experiences
  • general behavioural abnormalities
  • learning difficulties and speech disorders  

What can it achieve?

The aims of equine assisted therapy are sustainable improvement in, healthy development of and promotion of:

  • the ability to concentrate, pay attention and learn
  • communication skills
  • social skills
  • self-responsibility
  • preparedness to help others
  • self-awareness
  • physical self-awareness and motor skills
igogo · Academy for Equine Assisted Therapy · Petra Meisel
E-Mail: info(at)
concept and text: · Web Design and TYPO3: HORNUNG
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